editio princeps造句
- In 1891, Kenyon edited the editio princeps of Aristotle's " Constitution of Athens ".
- The " editio princeps " of the Rigveda by Max M黮ler was in Devanagari.
- The Greek editio princeps was edited by Francesco Robortello and published at Venice in 1552.
- Illustration from the " editio princeps " of the Latin version by John of Capua.
- Trascrizione e commento dell'editio princeps del 1502 ", Zeitschrift f黵 romanische Philologie 130 ( 2014 ), 160-178.
- The Epigrams were included in the editio princeps of Homers works printed by Demetrius Chalchondyles in 1488.
- Its " editio princeps " was issued in 1515 by Konrad Peutinger, followed by many other editions.
- The " editio princeps " ( first edition ) was published in 1945 by Jos?Mar韆 Lacarra.
- This work contained an " editio princeps " of the original manuscript, which was not annotated and edited.
- The " editio princeps " ( 1820 ) of ???v ?????, the treatise on English instead of Latin.
- It's difficult to see editio princeps in a sentence. 用editio princeps造句挺难的
- The " editio princeps " of this manuscript was first published in 1963 by J . A . Sanders.
- The first printed version, the " editio princeps ", was published in Basel by Canisius at Ingolstadt in 1602.
- The editio princeps of the Greek text had to wait until 1615 for J . B . Baumbach's printing.
- The " Editio Princeps ", or first printed edition, was published in 1470 or 1471 at Venice by Vindelinus Spirensis.
- For example, the " editio princeps " of Homer is that of Demetrius Chalcondyles, now thought to be from 1488.
- The remaining books remained unedited for another five decades, until the " editio princeps " of Max M黮ler in 1890-92.
- Since its " editio princeps " in Venice in 1568, the " Thesauros " has been published in numerous editions.
- The editio princeps, the first printed " Odyssey, " was published by Demetrius Chalcondyles in the same city in 1488.
- The " editio princeps " of his work was first published in 1879 in a Teubner edition edited by Valentin Rose.
- Later again, Neville Birdsall observed that a lower portion of the manuscript had been overlooked in the " editio princeps ".
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